Friday, July 1, 2011

IBA/KBA identification

The main area of focus by our Programme Manager, Jacqui Evans, in April was the production of the draft IBA/KBA Directory (Important Bird Areas & Key Biodiversity Areas) as part of the Birdlife International "Conservation in the Cooks: Setting Priorities, Building Capacities" project funded by the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund (CEPF). It was decided at the monthly Executive Meeting to advertise for a Biodiversity Coordinator to implement the student Rarotonga Starling survey experience and coordinate the northern group seabird surveys. Several executive members have been attending meetings on TIS behalf to enable Jacqui to focus on the IBA/KBA project. The ability for members to participate on behalf of TIS gives us as an organization more visible participation and capacity building opportunities in the community at large. Jacqui presented a revamped six month detailed workplan 1 Apr-30 Sep 2011 together with budget to the Executive for approval. TIS is grateful to Birdlife International and CEPF for funding the Conservation in the Cooks project.

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